I'm now counting down the hours to Bush's big "change of plans" speech this coming week, in which it has been reported that he will call for thousands more troops to be inserted into Baghdad to, uh, to, err, um...who knows? There have been reports that the number will be in the 15,000 to 30,000 range, but CBS
reported last week that we have but 9,000 people
immediately available for this surge. I can think of two more kids he could send, Jenna and Babs2. Why not? The military was such valuable training for their old man, or would have been had he actually showed up when he was required to do so. If he had served honorably, maybe he would view our soldiers as people, and not "boots on the ground"! (Remember that snappy little catch-phrase?)
The Joey Gates theory for the surge, and the planned prolonging of this
hopeless situation is simple and selfish. Bush wants to dump this lost effort into the lap of whomever sits in the
White House after the 08 election. In his little mind, he must think that we will (and history will) forget who got us into the mess, and blame his
replacement for losing a war. I don't think we will.
Now, everything we have been hearing could be wrong. When he opens his mouth for the speech, maybe Bush will say that he has made a mistake, and we have been fighting a war we never should have started, and then map out a plan for our
withdrawal. Then later that night, we can all sit down with The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy, and The
Pumpkin to watch a little tube. Yeah, it'll happen.
One of the reasons I'm a Liberal...my Mom.
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